Fulqrum™ Quick Tips

Ending Balance Sheet - Cash

The last thing you do when creating a projected period is enter the ending “Cash” amount. Do not enter a figure into the ending “Cash” cell until you have FIRST Saved/Recalculated all other information in this period (and any other). Only then, add the amount of “Net Cash
Available” displayed in the Cash Allocator to the right. This should balance the ending Balance Sheet.

Note: When entering historical data (actuals) use the number from your financials, not the cell to the right.

Cash Allocator

Goal: 0

Cash-Plug Proof-Check = 0 when Net Cash Available and amount out of balance are negatives of each other.

Ending Balance Sheet -
Retained Earnings

The second to last thing you do when creating a projected period is enter the ending “Retained Earnings.” Do not enter a figure into the ending “Retained Earnings” until you have FIRST Saved/Recalculated all information other than ending “Cash” in a projected period.


We strongly urge you not to change this account name unless you expect to always use the same account name.

By keeping the all-caps generic name, it gives you flexibility to try out different major ASSET breakouts in different scenarios. If you change it here it will change for every Scenario.

Instead, identify the ASSET you want to track for a given scenario by documenting it in the Scenario Description box.

The most common ASSET tracked here is Inventory.


We strongly urge you not to change this account name unless you expect to always use the same account name.

By keeping the all-caps generic name, it gives you flexibility to try out different major COST breakouts in different scenarios. If you change it here it will change for every Scenario.

Instead, identify the COST you want to track for a given scenario by documenting it in the Scenario Description box.

The most common COST tracked here include Labor or Rent or other significant costs.

Profit Allocator

About Profit Allocator

Final Check: Cash Left on Table

If this number = 0 Ending Balance Sheet will balance from the Cash Plug